Counting Down The Pounds

Monday, May 24, 2010

Weigh Loss and PCOS

I was diagnosed with PCOS way back at the age of 19.  I finally had a doctor who said, "let's see what's going on" instead of "you're young, we won't worry yet".   Even though I was young, having cycles only a few times a year wasn't normal.

As I ended my teen years and headed into early adulthood, I was planning to get married and knew that pregnancy wouldn't be easy for me.  By the time I was married at 20, we knew what was wrong and I was able to begin fertility treatments right after the wedding... a year later, I was pregnant.  I can't help but wonder how long it would have taken me to get pregnant if we hadn't been proactive...

Today, I would take a different route because I'm learning how to manage my PCOS naturally in order to find a healthy body balance.  I'm also 12 years older, which I think gives me a different perspective.  And since I've birthed three biological children and am the mother to a stepson as well, I'm no longer the young, desperate woman I was before children.  I've been reading blogs of women who are me, several years ago and so much wiser (maybe because of the blogosphere) than I was... that said, back then I didn't even own a home computer.

I knew going into this weight loss lifestyle, that it wouldn't be as easy for me as it is for some because of the PCOS.  But since I lost the first 14lbs quickly, I was hoping I'd been wrong.  Since the weight is just barely creeping off now it appears I wasn't incorrect.  *Bleh*.

What I'm learning about a healthy PCOS diet:

  • Eat high protein to help regulate insulin in the body
  • Remove added sugars, especially refined
  • Replace white carbs with healthier whole grains
  • Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables
I've already been doing these things for quite a while.  I honestly thought that giving up my soda habit (2-3 soda's a day, usually the 16oz bottles), would make a HUGE impact... I'm sure it will account for 20lbs or so over the course of this first year.  But, as we already know... I'M NOT PATIENT.  So, I'm praying for patience daily.

When I'm struck by a sweet tooth, I find that some fruit (especially strawberries with some whip sweetened with honey) works great!  If I do need to add sweetener to something, I'm using palm (coconut) sugar which has a GI of 35 or raw, local honey.

What I'm not doing... I slacked off on my food diary/journal.  I had this mentality that I had things down... but the weight isn't coming off so I must be missing something.

I am working out at least 4x's a week (30 minute circuit training).  My body feels it.

The good news...

We took the kids swimming yesterday, the suit I purchase for Spring Break (end of March this year) was FALLING OFF ME.

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