As I ended my teen years and headed into early adulthood, I was planning to get married and knew that pregnancy wouldn't be easy for me. By the time I was married at 20, we knew what was wrong and I was able to begin fertility treatments right after the wedding... a year later, I was pregnant. I can't help but wonder how long it would have taken me to get pregnant if we hadn't been proactive...
Today, I would take a different route because I'm learning how to manage my PCOS naturally in order to find a healthy body balance. I'm also 12 years older, which I think gives me a different perspective. And since I've birthed three biological children and am the mother to a stepson as well, I'm no longer the young, desperate woman I was before children. I've been reading blogs of women who are me, several years ago and so much wiser (maybe because of the blogosphere) than I was... that said, back then I didn't even own a home computer.
I knew going into this weight loss lifestyle, that it wouldn't be as easy for me as it is for some because of the PCOS. But since I lost the first 14lbs quickly, I was hoping I'd been wrong. Since the weight is just barely creeping off now it appears I wasn't incorrect. *Bleh*.
What I'm learning about a healthy PCOS diet:
- Eat high protein to help regulate insulin in the body
- Remove added sugars, especially refined
- Replace white carbs with healthier whole grains
- Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables
When I'm struck by a sweet tooth, I find that some fruit (especially strawberries with some whip sweetened with honey) works great! If I do need to add sweetener to something, I'm using palm (coconut) sugar which has a GI of 35 or raw, local honey.
What I'm not doing... I slacked off on my food diary/journal. I had this mentality that I had things down... but the weight isn't coming off so I must be missing something.
I am working out at least 4x's a week (30 minute circuit training). My body feels it.
The good news...
We took the kids swimming yesterday, the suit I purchase for Spring Break (end of March this year) was FALLING OFF ME.
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